Saturday, January 23, 2010

Juggling in an Opera

Hey, what's the sense in having a blog if you cannot indulge in a little shameless self-promotion from time to time?
Tonight is opening night in The Belk Theater of The Blumenthal Performing Arts Center of Charlotte, NC, where I will be juggling with Opera Carolina and The Charlotte Symphony in their production of Pucccini's "La Boheme" (which, by the way, in English is "The Boheme")
This will be my 3rd time performing as a supernumerary (a non singing role) in an opera. I have a number of other juggling friends who have also had this opportunity, as well. If you ever get the chance to do this, I highly recommend that you take advantage of it. There is nothing quite on the scale of Opera and to be a part of something so large is quite exciting and stimulating as a performing artist. Being on such a large stage and juggling amongst a huge cast of beautiful voices with a full symphony orchestra playing in the pit is something that I have only experienced with Opera in my over 20 years performing.
If you happen to live near or close to a professional full time Opera company, make sure that you drop them a call or an email and let their production coordinator know what your skills are and that you are interested in any supernumerary roles that might fit your skill set. You will have a very fun time and an experience that looks pretty good on your resume.


Rødli said...

you do not need a skill to be a super. just the ability to take stage directions and fit into their costumes.

A Fettucini Brother said...

While many Supernumerary roles require no skill. And some may even consider stilt walking, fire eating and juggling as not being "Skills"... these are all super positions that I have helped them fill in the past and are all positions in which they'd be hard pressed to fill with someone who merely "took direction and fit the costume". But thanks for your encouragement and support.