Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blog Neglect...

Hello Folks (if there is anyone who reads this):
First of all, let me apologize up front for not keeping the blog up for the last 3 months. There was a very slow period with juggling news, I got lazy, then I got busy... in addition to realizing how difficult it can be to try and keep up with writing, or blogging on a regular basis. I am going to give this another effort. I am curious as to who and how many folks are actually tuning into here. Please feel free to post comments or sign up as a follower. It is the only way that I have any indication of whether or not people are reading this stuff.
Thanks for your time and thanks for tuning in.
Steve aka Alfredo Fettucini


Warren said...

Hi...I was checking this blog almost daily until about 3 weeks ago when it seemed it was never going to be updated...I enjoyed the featured performers...was looking forward to seeing more! You almost lost me. Glad you were busy...hopefully with lots of performances. Glad you are back!
cheers - Warren

Unknown said...

I've got you in my news reader. Keep posting!

Unknown said...

Same then Gwif ;)

Unknown said...

Please keep it up!!! (I mean, keep the blog going, what were you thinking???)
It is a great resource and I've been checking in occasionally only to be disappointed when there was nothing new.
It would be great to also put up even a one line post to let folk know when things are going to be busy for you, and to let us know you haven't been picked up by the men in "the white van".
Seriously, thanks for doing the blog and I hope you're able to keep it going.

A Fettucini Brother said...

Glad to know that it was not falling on Deaf (or No) Ears. I will try to be more diligent in my postings knowing that there are people actually tuning in.

Juggling Joe said...

I've been checking the blog for the last months eagerly awaiting a new post.... and bam it happened! Welcome back. I tried to post this on the day you wrote the post, but I couldn't remember how to sign in for my comment.